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Company owner, Dan Lichtman, answering questions at New Jersey Clean Energy Program press conference - 2009


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Founder Dan Lichtman forms Absolutely Energized Solar,  one of the first companies to provide turnkey solar sales and installation services to homeowners in NJ
SunPower approaches Absolutley Energized Solar to create the first NJ based SunPower installer 
The North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners ( asks company founder Dan Lichtman to become a member of the prestigious NABCEP PV Technical Committee
Absolutely Energized Solar installs what, at the time, is the largest rooftop solar system in the metropolitan area (600kW - midsize by today's standards) 
The New Jersey Clean Energy Program (NJCEP) and the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) sponsor a media event to celebrate NJ's 1,000th solar installation, they chose an Absolutely Energized Solar installation as the event venue
The NJ SREC program is started and Absolutely Energized Solar starts to provide a new service called SREC "aggregation" thereby helping solar system owners sell SRECs easily and more profitably.
Absolutely Energized Solar completes installation and commissioning of the largest NJ Economic Development Association (NJEDA) subsidized installation in the state. 
AE Power Brokers, LLC is formed to better aggregate and sell SRECs for a larger more diverse group of customers.  
Founder, Dan Lichtman, adds to the company's geographic reach with a Connecticut PV-1 limited electrical license.  Absolutely Energized goes on to install several of the earliest high profile CT energy projects including Alexion Pharmacuticals, FuelCell Energy, Inc., and The Hartford Insurance Co. 
The North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners ( asks company founder Dan Lichtman to join their board of directors.
Absolutely Energized Solar responds to changing market conditions by splitting into two unique entities.  A new project development company,  named AE PowerSystems, LLC; and an installation-only company, named AEPS Electric, LLC.
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